Sunday, August 21, 2011

what is bf for???

b4 kte tdo,bia la kte mmbebel dlu..
tkot kmpunan lak t..
tyme dok ke sne n ke mari kt alm maya ni,tbe2 kte trjmpe,trlihat,trperasan,n trbce 1 artikel ni..

what is bf for???

- A boyfriend is not to buy you gifts but to give what money can't buy

- A boyfriend is not to bring you out every night but to be by your side when you need him

- A boyfriend is not to take you to expensive restaurants but would appreciate your cooking

- A boyfriend is not to report his current location but to trust him with his schedule

- A boyfriend is not a pet that follows your demand but would lend his ears when you're down

- A boyfriend is not your stepping stone to forget the past but is your future life guarantor

- A boyfriend is not to bring the world to you but to bring you to understand his world

- A boyfriend is not a driver but someone to walk side by side with you for the rest of your life

- A boyfriend is not your parasite plant but to give him space to breathe

- A boyfriend is not a robot but one you must care and love equally

tbe2 kte trfkir 1 bnde je..
klo kte dpt yg jnis2 yg kt ats ni,
tp klo dpt yg sblik ny???
thats y why la as a human,
x kre gender,
once brcnta,jgn laa dok serah aty 100%..
lpas 2 jgn nk fully rely on kt org yg blum tntu akn hdup smpi akhir hyat ngn kte..
pandang la ke hdapan ckit..
in case,klo jdi pe2
xde la merana bdan..
at least ley la jgk brdikari..

itu hnye pndapat kte..
sbb kaum wanita kn kuat..
di blakang stiap llaki yg brjya,ade ny seorg wanita
(cm2 la ckit2 bnyi redah je ni..)
kte an superwoman..

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